Smart Retail Tech Expo

ExCeL London

27th & 28th Feb 2023

The only place to explore the hottest innovations that will enable you to attract, inspire and retain your customers in the age of ‘New Retail’!

My Roundup

Brian Elliot and I spent a fantastic Tuesday afternoon discovering all things new and innovative in fashion and technology at the Smart Retail Tech Expo at ExCeL London.

As you can see, I had my avatar created by NeXR to try on clothes without actually having to try on clothes!
Next we stopped by ADAMAPP LTD and their partners Blindspot Solutions. Spot me and Brian having our poses and attention recorded as in-store engagement – “Are we bovver’d?”

Thanks so much to Klara Tamchynova and Stepan Kopriva from BlindspotAI as well as Patrick Loewer, Thomas Richter, Christoph v.d. Malsburg and Radek Stejskal. It was a pleasure to meet you all, keep up the good work!

I left feeling inspired and excited for the future of retail with innovation in the right hands.